Carriage House Press

Carriage House Press logo is located in the former carriage house on the James Millikin Homestead and was founded in 2009 by Millikin University professor Lyle Salmi. It features a German etching press in honor of the late Ray George, noted print maker, teacher, and valued colleague.

This student-run venture is Decatur’s only fine art printmaking studio and is available for rental by interested artists. Our facilities allow printmaking students the opportunity to work alongside visiting artists in a professional printmaking studio. Students also have the opportunity to assist in all aspects of the studio including conducting printmaking workshops, working on special projects, and scheduling various events. In December 2016, Carriage House Press produced holiday cards for sale through Blue Connection. The festive whimsy and quality of artwork was a customer favorite during the Downtown Christmas Walk. Please contact us to be put on our mailing list.

Carriage House Press is committed to the free expression and exchange of ideas. For more information, visit the  website.

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